I am sure you all have been waiting patiently for some more pictures from Joe's Farm, and yes, we are coming through for you once again. There is some pretty amazing news coming out of South Point Las Vegas, NV, United States of America, Earth, and the news is that Joe is starting to think what was once believed to be watermelon growing on his farm may infact be cantaloupe. Quite amazing, even the local Mexican guy down the street was shocked when Joe yelled out the window that he is cranking out some cantaloupe. I had a private conversation with the local Mexican and he is actually quite unhappy about the news. He told all of his family back home south of the border to forget growing watermelon this year since he knew he could not compete with Joe's Farm, but to grow cantaloupe instead. Now, he is realizing that was a major mistake, and he may be stuck with another ton of useless cantaloupe and no watermelon. We will have to wait and see what happens. There have not been any threats directly against Joe's Farm just yet, but all of the farm hands at the farm are getting rather worried about what will happen in these next few months.

Now you tell me, if you were trying to sell some far of land grown cantaloupe on the street corner in South Point Las Vegas, would you want to be cometeing with someone doing the same thing like Joe from Joe's Farm??? I think the answer is no. Take another look at the size of these things Joe is growing. They look like huge dinasaur craps. AMAZING stuff he is doing out there in good old Las Vegas, NV, USA, EARTH.
Now there is some sad news to report, there seems to be some type of mystery going on these days around Joe's Farm. The mystery involves the radishes. For no particular reason, nearly all of the radishes seem to have left this earth a bit before they should have. It is still unclear as to what happened, some of the workers on Joe's Farm are currently looking for the Black Box, but it is yet to be recovered. There are others on Joe's Farm that are pointing their finger at you guessed it, the local Mexican guy who has been peddling radishes only a few blocks away. More on this in the coming weeks.