So Joe figured it was time to share the latest from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. Please look but don't touch, all of the photographs below are real, the stories you about to hear are true. Do not try to duplicate what Joe has done at your house. Joe is a trained professional.

Now look at all this fine stuff Joe is making.
We are talking about a whole crop of cucumbers he is bringing in as you can see to the left.
He is even playing with brand new watermelons only a few days old.
These are pretty small at the moment, but look at this nice baseball sized water melon, or as the local amigos call them agua frescas.
He is even making sure the family has fresh peppers, and celery this year. That's right Joe is all about growing as much as he can.
And what happens when you need some tomato in your diet. Well, I'll tell you what to do, get on over to Joe's house. The Point of Sale King of Las Vegas Nevada, United States of America, Planet Earth sure knows how to make them tommys grow.