Mulch. Mulching. Mulches. Mulcher.
def: Shredded vegetable (or occasionally mineral) matter used to cover the top layer of soil to protect, insulate, or decorate it, or to discourage weeds or retain moisture; A material used as mulch, as a decorative redwood bark mulch; To apply mulch; To turn into mulch

I am hoping that Joe the Farmer will someday enlighten us with what he considers to be the definition of mulch. We have been receiving 1000's of question since we posted his pictures of his farm about how he creates such amazing vegetables. It turns out that over 700 questions from different fans of Joe want to know what he does as far as mulching. And to tell you the truth, I the lonely news reporter for Joe's Farm didn't even know the word existed. So, although it may be a secret, we are hoping to get some word from Joe about this topic, and what he does to his soil to make such awesome pictures. Or is there something else he is doing that he is not telling us about? Now, you may ask if Joe knows a thing or two about fishing, and the answer is yes. He was recently asked by a local stripper of Las Vegas Nevada, United States of America, Planet Earth to give up a few pointers on the art of catching fish in Lake Mead. This is not the best picture, nor does this compare to the fish Joe can catch up in Pulaski, NY, but I felt like it really was a fine example of the fish Joe is able to pull when he is motivated to get out of the garden.